
I am a systems engineer doing a PhD at the University of Victoria, in the beautiful city of Victoria, Canada. I have more than 5 years of experience in cloud and full-stack web development. You can find out more about my research and industry experience in my curriculum vitae and resume.
I hold a Bachelor degree in Systems Engineering (2014) and a Master of Science degree in Informatics and Telecommunications (2016) from Universidad Icesi (Colombia). My undergraduate thesis project (in Spanish) was a domain-specific language (DSL) for specifying and executing composable tests for the Service Component Architecture. For my master thesis (English version, Spanish version), I developed a framework for generating and deploying dynamic performance monitors for Self-Adaptive Systems. The framework was composed of two DSLs, PaSCAni, for dynamic monitoring, and Amelia, for application deployment.
I am currently working under the supervision of Drs. Hausi Müller and Gabriel Tamura. My research project focuses on continuous software evolution based on self-adaptive experimentation. Our research is funded by NSERC and IBM.
My research interests include Self-Adaptive Software Systems, Domain-Specific Languages, Software Deployment, and their practical application in software development.